Thursday, September 17, 2020

Technical Assignment #2

 Technical Assignment #2 is all about how the difference in aperture can change the way an image look. This is demonstrated by creating a still life then taking duplicates of the same frame but changing the aperture and the shutter speed respectively. This knowledge will help when building a photograph for what kind of impact you are striving for. 

The top image photography settings was captured at 1 sec, F/22, and ISO 200. The bottom image photography settings was captured at 1/20 sec, F/4.5, and ISO 200/ The top image had an aperture that allowed less light in and created a greater depth of field which can be seen by how the background doesn't fade away. The bottom photograph had a larger aperture which let more light in creating a shallow depth of field which can be seen by how the background starts to blur. 

The top image was shot at 1 sec, F/22, and ISO 200. The Bottom image was shot at 1/20 sec, F/5, and ISO 200. The top image the aperture creates a greater depth of field creating an illusion of the image being more dimensional. The aperture allows less light in and the shutter speed allows for a sharper image. The bottom aperture lets more light in creating a more shallow depth of field resulting in the background to be blurry. 

The two pictures above were shot at 1/20 sec, F/5, and ISO 200 and 1 sec, F/22. and ISO 200 respectively. What this means is that the top picture had a wider aperture and a faster shutter speed allowing more light in, clearer image, and shallow depth of field. The bottom picture has a more narrow aperture which filters out less light, taken at a slower shutter speed to allow more light in, and has a greater depth of field. The top one the base of the vase is a bit blurred out focusing more on the foreground. The bottom one the base is more clear and with its greater depth of field makes it more dimensional. 

This is a profile picture of my dog Spike. It was very hard to achieve this photo because he has doggy ADHD. The picture is 1/30 sec, F/5, and ISO 200. The way aperture contributed to this photo is it allowed more light in which causes his white fur to stand out more along with the shadows cast from the blankets to the individual grooves of his form. This also creates a shallow depth of field allowing the background to slowly fade away so all your attention is on him. Which he loves. 

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