Monday, October 19, 2020

Sketchbook C



            I chose the topic of Pro-Choice vs Pro Life. The reason I chose this as my topic is because I strongly believe in the ability to choose and we live in a society that is fighting hard to control women more than they already need to. So it made me think, how can I bring this issue forward in a new perspective because clearly no one cares about the argument that woman’s bodies are not just vessels to be used and discarded. In this society the way for change to happen is to make men feel pressured and threatened into making changes. It is a harsh reality but if they are not the ones being oppressed then nothing will change.

            Keeping this in mind I compiled a bunch of of images together for inspiration. Then the design chosen was showing a working male struggling to carry all the responsibilities put on him from society. The responsibilities he is carrying are a bunch of different bills and living expenses, forms of birth control that wasn't effective, his pregnant wife and all of the kids that resulted from not being able to choose. And a lot of phrases he would hear as society would put pressure on him. Because it is on his back not the typical struggling to hold it above his head it shows that he is carrying it versus resisting. Then the white house is not white in this. The reason is because I took the color inspiration from a videogame I like to play. One of the villain's is about greed and social standing. So I imitated that color scheme onto the white house to evoke disgust at the greed. And the crowd out in front I colored it to imitate flames because people are angry. And finally I have Uncle Sam who represents America holding a big long scroll of policies to frame women for murder and everyone involved with a white man who has his back towards the audience to create distrust.




Final Image

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