Saturday, October 24, 2020

Technical assignment 7


TA#7 line images

1.     The Cross or “X” Composition- Diane Tuft

2.     “L” Composition- James Turrell

3..     Triangle Composition- Jimmy Nelson

4.     Steelyard Composition- Karen Lynch

5. Balance-scale Composition- Joe McNally

6.     The “U” Composition- Mary Anne Kluth

7.     The “O”/ Circular Composition- SebastiĆ£o Salgado

8. Three-spot Composition- Cindy Sherman

9. Overlapping-shapes Composition- Daniel Gordon

10. Diagonal Composition- Odette England

11.     Pattern Composition- Mary Anne Kluth

12. The “S” shaped Composition- Carleton Watkins


13. Radiating Line or Perspective Line Composition- Olafur Eliasson

14. Rule of Thirds Composition/ (Tic-tac-toe)- Hiroshi Sugimoto

15.   The Golden Ratio/Spiral- Robert Smithson


    Before the shoots I had to prepared my dog as best as I could and visualize the areas and what times of day I wanted to try. During the shoots I had to wrestle with my dog to get him to be in the right areas and I was all over the place to get different angles and different light. Unfortunately the weather was very dreary so it is hard to tell that the third shoot was shoot right as the sun rise and the last shoot was taken in the middle of the day. My dog has doggy ADD so it was a lot of  "Spike look at me" or "come over here", and of course "stay, no don't move". And after all the shoots I had to zoom in and try to decide what pictures were the best to represent from the whole 1000 picture shoot. Not only is it really hard to choose because he is so cute but also there were a lot of blurry pictures since his favorite thing to do is move when he hears the click. Photographers should get a lot more credit because it is a lot of work. If I lived in an area where I wouldn't get a ticket or lectured if I climbed a tree I would of climbed one. Not a lot of climbable trees in Sheboygan.

Balanced, Triangle, and rule of thirds.

L shaped and Triangle.
Triangle, Rule of thirds, and Diagonal.
Triangle and Diagonal.
L shaped, diagonal, overlapping shapes.

Triangle, rule of thirds, balance.
Triangle, L shaped, and Diagonal.
Triangle, L shape, and Rule of thirds.
Triangle, balance, and Rule of thirds.
Rule of thirds

Challenge Images

Diagonal Line + Triangle + Overlapping Shapes

Triangle + L

Weekly upload 5


Monday, October 19, 2020

Assignment 2


Claude Monet Landscape near Montecarlo 1883


What my printer printed. Had to go on an ink run.

Grid format and yes that is how my printer printed the image. I have a very bad printer. 

Final Image

This was a very very hard project to do. The original artist is very talented. I ended up near the end trying to just focus on getting the right colors in the areas since I was having a lot of trouble with this.

Copy of Reflection Paper

Arianna Phalen
2D Design
Reflection Paper
Liu Bolin
Liu Bolin is a Chinese artist and photographer who uses his art to bring awareness to different issues. He uses his background and inspiration from the military to make himself blend in with the background. He uses the colors observed from the background he is going to be covering with his body and graphs it out and paint over his whole body. He has a very good sense of color mixing because he is practically invisible in his works. 
Based on what I learned about color it takes an artistic eye and a lot of experimentation, using different color schemes to portray feelings, and create optical illusions. Such as Liu Bolin who creates the illusion of invisibility by mirroring the background onto himself. He brings attention to everyday items or tragic stories by making you look twice. We live in the digital age where we are constantly bombarded with news of tragedies, nonsense, political agendas, fads, fashion, etc. So, for most of us we don’t take a second glance when we are trying to sort through all the posts which means a lot of things disappear under our nose. But with him making himself invisible it causes you to take a second glance because you notice that something is off then you notice the man. 
Bolin is making his work to bring awareness to different issues. Each image has a meaning behind it whether you get the meaning from looking at the picture or asking the artist. For example, him standing in front of different food. You might think that the meaning is there is so much packaging or it looks too neat. The meaning behind those photos is to bring awareness to other people that there were chemicals put into those food products that cause cancer. Most consumers do not know what they are putting into their bodies even if it is seen as healthy food and he was trying to bring awareness. 
Another example of his work is when he took a group of people who lost their job blend into the abandoned warehouse that they use to work. Included in the photo is propaganda for a communist nation. The meaning behind this is to show that people are invisible when it comes to the discord between civilization and the development. So, for this photo the warehouse was shut down in what presumably was a choice by the government resulting in people losing their jobs, their livelihood, their means of providing. It creates the question of is it worth it? Or why did we build a society that harms the society.
I find his work very interesting now that I did more research behind his work. I have seen his work before but it was portrayed as a fun game of spot the person. Now that I know there is meaning behind it and the process it creates a better understanding of his art. His art is purely mapping out the colors he needs and where it needs to be placed then painstakingly painted by hand for hours on end. It is not photoshopped. It gives me ideas that I know that I cannot obtain yet for my art skills but I would eventually like to achieve. Such as learning how to make a piece more in depth. Most of my art is taken at face value and I want to provide a deeper meaning going forward. I hope that my political poster will make people question and color itself is a very difficult and time-consuming process. 

Sketchbook C



            I chose the topic of Pro-Choice vs Pro Life. The reason I chose this as my topic is because I strongly believe in the ability to choose and we live in a society that is fighting hard to control women more than they already need to. So it made me think, how can I bring this issue forward in a new perspective because clearly no one cares about the argument that woman’s bodies are not just vessels to be used and discarded. In this society the way for change to happen is to make men feel pressured and threatened into making changes. It is a harsh reality but if they are not the ones being oppressed then nothing will change.

            Keeping this in mind I compiled a bunch of of images together for inspiration. Then the design chosen was showing a working male struggling to carry all the responsibilities put on him from society. The responsibilities he is carrying are a bunch of different bills and living expenses, forms of birth control that wasn't effective, his pregnant wife and all of the kids that resulted from not being able to choose. And a lot of phrases he would hear as society would put pressure on him. Because it is on his back not the typical struggling to hold it above his head it shows that he is carrying it versus resisting. Then the white house is not white in this. The reason is because I took the color inspiration from a videogame I like to play. One of the villain's is about greed and social standing. So I imitated that color scheme onto the white house to evoke disgust at the greed. And the crowd out in front I colored it to imitate flames because people are angry. And finally I have Uncle Sam who represents America holding a big long scroll of policies to frame women for murder and everyone involved with a white man who has his back towards the audience to create distrust.




Final Image