Monday, November 30, 2020

weekly upload 9


Project 2: Photograph as Document


 (Links to an external site.)

  1. Different scenes of Canada during the lockdown from empty busy streets, to wildlife, to precautions.
  2. How Canada transformed due to the Covid 19 pandemic. 
  3. Yes because the essay is a collective of images that showed how Canada changed to accommodate the pandemic. 
  4. It is a slow progression from outdoor scenes of buildings and animals to how people are coping with the pandemic.
  5. Each image represents a different perspective of the pandemic such as image one is a busy street that is completely empty. The third image is a picture of two foxes drinking from a puddle in a parking lot which shows how the environment is changing too the pandemic. Picture six shows how we as a culture has moved to wearing masks for your everyday normal tasks like getting a hair cut. An example of people would be image four in which a mom is kissing her child in front of her door.
  6. Yes because every image relates to the pandemic and there is enough contact clues to understand what is going on.
  7. Image five is mostly analogous with the red, yellow, green, orange. It has a vanishing point and taken from an aerial view/up high. Proper saturation with the lights bouncing off of the ice not being too bright and the shadows on the floor not being too dark. The image shows the scene of markings to be socially distanced at an ice rink but the darker shades of color along with the alone ice skater creates a somber mood.

My personal take

Restriction would be wearing the masks in which some are really hard to breathe with and causing me to touch my face more unfortunately. The environment is earth basically burning up or freezing over and seeing a lot more wildlife walking around. Distance is the social distance in public and not being able to see my relatives as much because I don't want to risk exposing them. Home is where I am when I am not working and I honestly don't mind that. I wish I worked from home. Time is never ending except for your own personal clock. I feel like I don't have as much time due to work and school but if I were working a job that allowed me to work from home I would be very happy. Also time is slowly changing how we live.

C) Feedback given by classmates

Focus more on image framing, good use of themes, and pay attention to the lighting specifically white balance.


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Assignment 4


Reference Images

2 point perspective

3 point perspective

1 point perspective

What my printer printed

Finished Drawings

Friday, November 13, 2020

weekly upload 8

I played with my blue curtain and slow setting to get a weird effect when my dog moves.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Sketchbook D


Assignment 3



  • What habitat are you most interested in? Why?
I am most interested in a koi pond because I love koi ponds due to how peaceful it is. I also like the Japanese architecture that is usually accompanying it. 
  • What living beings reside in this habitat? (Birds, rivers, trees, etc?)
Koi fish, lily pads, frogs, cat tails, foliage, and occasional water bugs.
  • What are the main elements or species you want to focus on? 
I want to focus on the koi fish because they are the reason for the koi pond, lily pads, and frogs.
  • What is the main color palette of this habitat?
Greens, blues, reds, oranges, whites, and yellows. 
  • What forms can you use together to create an interesting pattern?  Forms from the habitat and outside design elements?
Lily pads which are rounded, then the roundness of the stones, then the curves of the fish, the curves of the frogs, and a slightly curved well. Then a Japanese architecture piece to add a little bit of sharpness. The main form is roundness such as stones and curves of the fish because it creates a sense of peace and it will allow your eye to naturally follow one curve to the next. 




This was my chosen final image

This one was the first I made and realized that I needed to retry

Final Product